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Plans Underway for Memorable Graduation Ceremony

By Lauren Azrin

It’s hard to think that we are already approaching the end of this unusual school year, but as March progresses, WPHS seniors are thinking more and more about graduation. In pandemic-times, our graduation obviously can’t be exactly like normal, but plans are already well in the works for an exciting, in-person ceremony to honor our seniors and their years of hard work.

The first question becomes about location – usually, the ceremony is held at the Westchester County Center. This year, however, the building is being used as a vaccination center. Instead, the commencement will be held outdoors on the campus of WPHS, specifically on the football field, Louck’s Stadium.

In terms of the actual ceremony, it is planned to be as close to normal as possible; it will still include speeches, musical numbers, and the calling out of individual names to receive diplomas.

Of course, in an ever changing pandemic climate, some things are still undecided. One major question that still remains is the number of ceremonies that will be necessary, due to state-imposed restrictions on gatherings. “Although we are hoping for one large event, it is certainly conceivable that multiple commencements will be needed,” explained Mark Russo, North House Administrator. Another question still up in the air is the number of guests that each student will be allowed to bring.

As soon as the details of the ceremony are finalized, they will be shared with the community.

No matter the logistics, it sounds like this year’s graduation will still be a meaningful and exciting event for WPHS graduates. In the words of Mr. Russo, “However graduation takes shape, it promises to be a memorable and special event that provides the Class of 2021 with the sendoff it deserves!”

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